The Virtual Conference “Practices and perspectives of Intercountry Adoptions” of the International Social Service (ISS)-Hellenic Branch was held on 24/6/2021 with great success. The aim of the Conference was the dissemination of the results of the scientific research of the ISS entitled “Difficulties, obstacles and practices in the implementation of intercountry adoptions: the views of social workers and adoptive parents. A scientific research for the years 2011-2019 “.
This research, which was integrated in the project “Practices and prospects of Intercountry Adoptions” and was carried out within the framework of the Active citizens fund program, implemented by the International Social Service- Hellenic Branch, aimed to investigate in depth the practices and obstacles of the implementation of intercountry adoptions that took place in Greece within the period 2011-2019.
The research was carried out using questionnaires addressed both to adoptive parents who have already adopted children transnationally and to professionals working in the competent authorities in the field of intercountry adoptions in Greece.

Press Release
«Practices and perspectives in intercountry adoptions»
The Hellenic Branch of the International Social Service (ISS) has recently started the conduction of an important research in the field of the intercountry adoptions in Greece, attempting to explore a field that up to this day remains essentially uncharted.
The research, which is a part of the «Practices and perspectives in the intercountry adoptions» project, is realized within the framework of the Active citizens fund program and it is implemented by the International Social Service-Hellenic Branch. Its main goal is to investigate thoroughly the practices and the obstacles in the actualization of the intercountry adoptions that are conducted in Greece, covering the years of 2011-2019.
The research will be conducted with the use of questionnaires that will be addressed, on one hand, towards the parents that have already adopted children transnationally and, on the other hand, towards the professionals that are employed in the responsible organizations that operate in the scope of the intercountry adoptions in our country.