Intercountry adoption is the adoption of a child from a country other than the country of residence of the prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) and is now well-known as an institution in Greece. Many couples and single people who want to have a child, turn to intercountry adoption.

In 2009 Greece ratified the 1993 Hague International Convention for the International Protection of Children in Intercountry Adoption by the law 3765/2009.

The role of ISS is:

  • to inform individuals (Pre-counseling). Counseling individuals and couples in the context of expressing interest in intercountry adoption. On a first level, a live meeting is suggested so that the professional can get to know the person concerned. To discuss thoughts, expectations and anxieties and then provide the necessary information on how the adoption is carried out by each country.
  • to inform other bodies about intercountry adoptions
  • to evaluate the prospective adoptive parents
  • to prepare the adoption case file
  • to cooperate with competent bodies and services in the countries that receive the files
  • to provide counseling support at all stages of adoption, as well as after its realization, where it is considered appropriate and it is requested.

More specifically, ISS is required to prepare and submit the complete case file of  the prospective adoptive parents to the Central Intercountry Adoption Authorities through the Central Intercountry Adoptions Authority of Greece (KADY) – it concerns countries that have ratified the 1993 Hague Convention – or to send the complete case file of the prospective adoptive parents to the Responsible Adoption Authority of the countries of origin that have not ratified the Hague Convention, but legally allow intercountry adoption and respect the principles and ethics of the Hague Convention.